From -- Marshall, A. O., & Schultz, R. G. (2009). Army life: From a soldier's journal : incidents, sketches and record of a Union soldier's army life, in camp and field, 1861-64. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press.
As night began to approach orders were passed along our lines for our troops to withdraw. As it grew dark we did so. Those in the most advanced and exposed conditions coming first. Sadly we wended our way back to the lines we had held before making our charge upon the rebel works of Vicksburg.
One of our most disgusted men was Lieutenant Dutton. He had been struck upon the leg by a small, nearly spent ball. The ball was not going with force enough to break the skin, but as it happened to strike upon a tender cord the injured part commenced to swell, and by the time we withdrew he could hardly use his foot, and was obliged to hobble along as best he could. To be so lame without any wound to show for it he thought disgusting.Harvey Dutton was my 2xg-uncle on my father's paternal side.
Copyright © 2015 by Kevin W. Walker