Mrs. Lou Dutton Dies After Short IllnessAfter a short illness of pleuro-pneumonia, Mrs. Lou V. Dutton of 432 West I.ocust street, 75 years of age. died yesterday morning at her residence.Mrs. Dutton was the wife of Captain H. J. Dutton of Company A. 33rd Illinois Infantry, a Civil War veteran. Besides the husband, Mrs. Dutton is survived by one son, Clarence A. Dutton, of Los Angeles, and four daughters. Mrs. A. O. Mack, Mrs. R. E. M. Mack, Mrs. G. A. Coover of this city, and Mrs. F. A. Dunlap of Kennewick, Wash.Mrs. Dutton was born in Burford, Can, October 17, 1840. Left an orphan at an early age, she went to relatives in Illinois and was married at Metamora, Aug. 29, 1866. In 1869 she moved to Cedar county, Mo., where she lived until 1884, when she moved to Springfield.Funeral services will be announced as soon as word is received from the son and daughter living in the west.
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