When I first got involved in genealogy, before the current popularity of wand-type scanners, a research assistant at NARA told me that the only scanners they would allow is flatbed. My research led me to the wonderful portable-sized Canon LiDE200 Color Image Scanner
It is about the same size as a 17-inch laptop computer but much lighter. It fits perfectly into my backpack right next to my laptop. It scans at 4800x4800 resolution, scans in only fourteen seconds, and intelligently identifies the type of document being scanned and adjusts its settings accordingly. But here is the kicker -- it powers off of my Laptop via USB!! No bulky, heavy adaptor; No extra wires! I connect it to my laptop and go, that is all it takes. I also got it for about half the price of what wand-type scanners sell for. So for me the decision was clear. Older models than the 200 are available with a little research, and there is a newer 500 model, all priced accordingly.
I have to admit the size of the wand scanner makes it so-o-o-o tempting! It takes up so little space! But for me the Canon LiDE200 is easier to use and priced better.
Copyright © 2011 by Kevin W. Walker