Thirsty CowboyHe recalled one day a cowboy came into town from up the river fully rigged out but very thirsty even though he had crossed a river often.George Root owned the drug store at that time.This day the druggist and his wife left town and the doctor was asked to watch the drug store. The thirsty cowboy came to the drug store and wanted a bottle. He was told the druggist was out of town. He came back the second and third time to get his bottle, but the doctor wouldn't sell it to him. He left real angry. Later the men were all sitting on a log watching a game of croquet when the cowboy came back all tanked up.He insisted that every one drink with him. Some of the boys were willing, but A. H. Needham was a non-drinker and refused. The cowboy took out his revolver and insisted, so AI put the bottle to his lips.Soon he got on his horse and went galloping down the street to the south shooting at the store fronts.
As I reported HERE my g-grandfather Arthur Herrick Needham (1831-1921) was one of, if not the leading proponent of prohibition in Custer County. The article mistakenly calls him "Al."
Copyright © 2021 by Kevin W. Walker
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